horse power

英 [hɔːs ˈpaʊə(r)] 美 [hɔːrs ˈpaʊər]

n.  马力; 畜力



  1. If any living man can manage this horse I can:-I won't say any living man can do it-but if such has the power, I am he. '
  2. Reduce refining or horse power requirements in stock preparation.
  3. The horse felt the pull and struggled with all its power against the mud.
  4. A man may lead his horse to water, But cannot make him drink Francis turbine is applicable for the middle and low water level power station, Both have vertical and horizontal structure, and commonly designed in the scroll.
  5. This is the gift Horse has for humanity, the understanding and expression of strength and power without the need to destroy or be destroyed.
  6. Horse in the wild understands strength, power, and freedom, but does not know about being a fully conscious being in each expression of Horse.
  7. Jesus rode a donkey, a peaceful symbol, before his death on a cross, but here he rides a horse which is a symbol for war and power.
  8. If tractive must be too tight, easily make the arrest bat batch "embrace dead", may damage drive machine element but forfeit brake horse power very much;
  9. Larger mechanical presses make a four-inch diameter briquette of nearly any length that can be used in a600 horse power factory boiler or cut down for a home wood burner.
  10. Easy installation, Engine protection, Extend automobile life. Save fuel, Improve horse power, Reduce automobile maintenance charges.
  11. Each individual has to try it out like any racer who wants to gain more horse power having to try new things with his race engine.
  12. A freeware program to estimate the Horse Power needed to make a machining cut in metal, written by Jim Tuttle.
  13. Never overpower your Boat. a horse is a false hope; his great power will not make any man free from danger.
  14. Light source with high horse power can be coupled into the double-cladding optical fibers.
  15. Jesus rode a donkey, a peaceful symbol; here horse is for war and power.
  16. As to the series of concrete mixer truck produced by our company, you can choose domestic or imported chassis, the horse power: 240-420, the effective volume of the tank body: 8-16 cubic meter.
  17. A new electric locomotive with several thousand horse power accelerates the train with ease.
  18. I am also addicted to high horse power cars.
  19. An professional teacher for Horse Power Typicall English, who can get hold of the key points, grasp the students's mind, choose the correct teaching methods to the different students.
  20. Use full horse power for take-off due to the temperature too high.
  21. Horse power selection for passenger locomotive of 200km/ h speed level
  22. Principles of Horse Power Measurement of Pump Equipment
  23. The author has done some work on the software and the hardware debug, and the control system is applied on a 1/ 4 horse power AC motor.
  24. The induction motor as the main supporting beam pumping unit motors, there are many problems, such as the "big horse drive the little car" phenomenon, the power factor is low, it caused the high electricity cost of oil extraction problems.
  25. Traditional pumping equipment is the beam pumping unit, usually use asynchronous motor as its power machine, its defects are "pulling small car with big horse" and low power factor.